Saturday, 24 January 2015

Download the attached 'Route to Top Grade A2 Media Studies'

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Task Checklist and Grade Indicator

Ensure that your blog is complete. Create your own post which identifies any gaps in your work and set deadlines to meet them. Below is a rough guide to the grade your blog could secure

PDF to download:

Music Video Blog Checklist and Grade Indicator

A level 1 blog (0-5/20) will contain ALL of the following:

- 0-1 music video, digipack and advert analysis

- Analysis of the above will be basic with basic reference to camera angles and theory

- Posts which contain mainly images but with no reflection or explanation of links to your own production
- incomplete storyboards
- little evidence of drafting process (photos of editing, images of spidergrams, videos of first edits)
- no animatic of storyboard

A level 2 blog (6-10/20) will contain ALL of the following:

- 2+ music video, digipac and advert analysis
- Analysis of the above will be minimal with some reference to camera angles and theory
- posts which contain mainly images with simple reflection/explanation
- partial storyboard
- evidence of drafting of digipack and advert
- incomplete/partial animatic
- minimal audience feedback

A level 3 blog (11-15/20) will contain ALL of the following:

- 3 examples music video, digipack and advert analysis
- Analysis will be proficient with many references to camera angles and connections to theory
- posts which contain many images which form the basis of candidates reflection/explanation
- complete storyboard
- drafts for both digipack and advert
- complete animatic of storyboard
- some evidence of audience feedback

A level 4 blog (16/20) will contain ALL of the following:

- 3 music video, digipac and advert analysis
- Analysis will be excellent with extensive references to camera angles, connections to theory, frequent use of key terminology (canted angle, eye line match, insert shots, ellipsis editing etc..).
- posts which contain many images which form the basis of candidates reflection/explanation
- complete storyboard
- drafts for both digipack and advert
- complete animatic of storyboard
- comprehensive evidence of audience feedback given and received
- your own reflection on audience feedback: how any why have you made changes